8 Dimensions of quality with examples

8 Dimensions of quality with examples

Quality Dimensions Explanation:  Quality dimensions is the way to measure the quality of a software. We know, customers or me, everyone wants quality software. To find a quality software, customers judge a software in many aspects. They judge a software with many parameters. These parameters are called quality dimensions. Here we describe 8 Dimensions of quality with examples.

Here I discuss Garvin’s eight dimensions. But we should know Garvin’s eight dimension is not developed for software. Although, we can apply this Garvin’s eight dimension when we consider a software. Let’s know these eight dimensions:

8 Dimensions of quality with examples

Performance Quality:

Performance is a major and main characteristic in quality dimension. Maximum users take a software based on its performance. Performance actually asking for all features, functions as per requirement. Also, performance includes scalability, latency and response time.

For example: If we want to choose an internet browser software, then we try to use which one performs better. Here browser performance measures with browser response time, latency and also the scalability.

Feature Quality:

Feature is the second dimension for judging the quality of a software. As conceptual sense with features we can also measure the performance quality. However, here feature quality does not mean the key feature of a software. Feature quality will be a surprise and delight to users during their first-time usage.

Example: Browser’s main feature is internet browsing, but the browser software can provide additional features, like two-tab browsing at the same time, then it’s the feature quality of a software.


Reliability is one of the important aspects to choose a quality software. Reliability is the ensure of a software with all features, functions working, Also, ensure of capability and availability.

Example: A web browser software working without crash/fail down. Also, the browser all features working is another reliability.


Conformance is the standard of a software, it means the accuracy, timeless processing, DE factoring and user interface conformity.

Example: A web browser software conformance can be measure by testing the user experience in the browser, like where the browser software has different buttons placed, where tab showing, how easily we access the history etc.


Durability means the life of a software economically or technically. In economic terms durability means the business cycle of a software, while technically durability means the life of a software during its deterioration with anything else. Deteriorates can be a high number of users, huge amounts of data or anything.

Example: Durability of a browser can be measured by how many tabs we can open at a time, what happens if it crashes.


Serviceability is the maintainability of a software. It’s responsible for how the software can be repaired if it’s damaged. Also, the support system, what type behavior of service center, how much time, all are included in the serviceability.

Example: For a browser serviceability will be what happens if the browser is not compatible with the computer, or it crashes.


Aesthetics is the subjective dimension to judge the quality of a software. It’s a fully personal judgment. Aesthetics means, a software that looks, feels, sounds etc. Some people can like software, and some people dislike it.

Example: For web browsers, some people like Mozilla Firefox, some people also dislike Mozilla Firefox and choose Google Chrome. It’s actually vary different from person to person.


Perception can be called brand value. For quality judgment users also judge their previous experience with the software manufacturing company. So, company reputation is the perception.

Example: For example, we can think about Google software. We know google is an IT giant, so if google releases software, which is not very good, I’m sure some people will say this software is also good, and they also like it because of the perception.

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