PHP is a programming language. It’s also called server scripting language or general-purpose scripting language. PHP stands for Hypertext Preprocessor. Especially PHP is popular for Web Development, we can easily show dynamical HTML output with PHP.
What is PHP
- Full form of PHP – Hypertext Preprocessor
- Server scripting language, powerful tool/language for making dynamic websites
Note: The main difference between Scripting and Programming Language is – “Scripting language need interpreter, but programming language need compiler.
PHP is a Scripting Language, specially for Web Development.
Difference between Scripting Language and Programming Language
Scripting Language | Programming Language |
Need Interpreter (executing sets of instructions) | Need Compiler (compile into machine code first) |
All scripting languages are programming languages, but not all programming languages are scripting languages
- Popular, full free, and efficient
- Flexible
- Open source general-purpose scripting language
- Specially suited for web development and can be embedded into HTML.
- Best Part: PHP is that it is extremely simple for a newcomer,
How much PHP popular
PHP popular sites
All sites in bangladesh,are%20still%20for%20web%20development.
Popular websites which is using PHP
What can do PHP
- Server-side scripting: CGI features
- Command line scripting
- Writing desktop applications
History of PHP
- First PHP created by Rasmus Ledorf at 1994 (Made by (CGI) binaries written in the C programming language)
- Reason: Tracking visits to his online resume, so he named it Personal Home Page Tools, short form PHP tools
Environment Setup & Editor Setup for PHP
- Xampp
- Code Editor – Visual Studio Code
- Web Browser – Google Chrome
PHP Syntax
Create a php file, a php file extension must be php.
// Opening and Closing PHP tag
//php code
// Short echo tag
<?= ?>
Note 1: Short echo tag can be enable/disable by php.ini file
// Opening and Closing PHP tag
//php code
// Short echo tag
<?= ?>
Note 1: Short echo tag can be enable/disable by php.ini file
// Opening and Closing PHP tag
//php code
// Short echo tag
<?= ?>
Note 1: Short echo tag can be enable/disable by php.ini file
Note 2: If your PHP files contain only PHP code, it's preferable to skip the PHP closing tag
Naming Convention PHP
Output in PHP
- output show by the echo
- output show by printf
- decimal number can control by %05d
- float by number can control by %.2f
Statement, echo, print, PHP and HTML
Statement: A line of code.
echo: output string and variable (can be used with or without parentheses)
print: output string and variable (can be used with or without parentheses)
Note: echo is faster compare to print.
- PHP and HTML code can use in same file, ensure your file is a php file.
- Live
Variable and Constant
- Variable: Variable is a value, data which can change.
- Constant: Constant is also one type variable, but this value can’t be change while program is running.
Variable Name can be define by different way:
Camel Case: $myName
Pascal Case: $MyName
Snake Case: $my_name
Variable and Constant – Naming Convention
- Must be start with $ sign
- Must be start with Alphabet or Underscore
- Name can contain alpha-numeric characters and underscores (A-z, 0-9, and _ )
Note: Variable name are Case Sensitive.
Magic Constant
Magic constant are some pre defined constant by PHP, it’s change dynamically his value based on where it’s using.
// print the line no
echo '__LINE__ This instruction line number ' . __LINE__ . "<br>";
// print the file directory including file name
echo '__FILE__ This file directory ' . __FILE__ . "<br>";
// print the directory
echo '__DIR__ This file directory ' . __DIR__ . "<br>";
// print the function name
function my_sujon(){
echo '__FUNCTION__ This statement from function ' . __FUNCTION__ . "<br>";
Operator Type | Operators |
Arithmetic Operators | Addition (+) Subtraction (-) Multiplication () Division (/) Modulus (%) Exponentiation (**) |
Assignment operators | |
Comparison operators | Equal (==) Identical (===) Not equal (!=) Not equal (<>) Not identical (!==) Greater than (>) Less than (<) Greater than or equal to (>=) Less than or equal to (<=) Spaceship (<=>) |
Increment/Decrement operators | Pre-increment (++$i) Post-increment ($i++) Pre-decrement (–$x) Post-decrement ($x–) |
Logical operators | And (and) Or (or) Xor (xor) And (&&) Or (||) Not (!) |
String operators | Concatenation (.) Concatenation assignment (.=) |
Array operators | Union (.) Equality (==) Identity (===) Inequality (!=) Inequality (<>) Non-identity (!==) |
Conditional assignment operators | Ternary (?:) Null coalescing (??) |
PHP Data Types
There are mainly 8 datatypes in PHP.
- String
- Integer
- Float (floating point numbers – also called double)
- Boolean
- Array
- Object
- Resource
Data Types | Description |
String | When a variable store character or text, it’s a String. Example: $x = “abc”; Note: String can wrap with single quote or double quote. |
Integer | Integer means the number, which can have a negative or positive value, but not a decimal point. Integer has a limit, it depends on the computer bit. |
Float | Float means the decimal point number. |
Boolean | Boolean use for conditional testing. True and False can be values of a boolean type variable. (Case Insensitive) |
Array | Array is one kind of date type, which can store multiple data at a time. |
Object | Object use for OOP |
NULL | Null mean where you have assign nothing, also you can assign null. (Special Type) |
Resource |
//another side of variables type in php
data types in PHP
# 4 Scalar Types
- bool
- int
- float
- string
#4 Compound Types
- array
- object
- callable
- iterable
#2 Special Types
- resource
- null
those will be evaluated as false
// integers 0-0 = false
// floats 0.0 -0.0 = false
// = false =
//’0′ false
// [ ] = false
// null = false
PHP String Function and Work
Function | Work |
strlen() | Count character |
str_word_count() | Count the word |
strrev() | Reverse the string |
strrpos() | Search the position of character/word (last) |
stripos() | Search the position of character/word (first) |
strripos() | Search the position of character/word (last) – Case Insensetive |
str_repeat() | Repeat the string |
PHP and JavaScript, jQuery
Datatables Use This
SweetAlert Use This
PHP form with all type input
for radio type
<input type="radio" value="male" name="gender" class="form-check-input">
<input type="radio" value="female" name="gender" class="form-check-input">
$gender = $_POST['gender'];
for checkbox
Cricket<input type="checkbox" value="cricket" name="sports[]" class="form-check-input">
Football<input type="checkbox" value="football" name="sports[]" class="form-check-input">
Badminton<input type="checkbox" value="badminton" name="sports[]" class="form-check-input">
$sports = $_POST['sports'];
$sports = implode(',', $sports) ;
It's will store the all checked data as separated by comma(,)
for date
<input type="date" name="date" class="form-control my-3">
$date = $_POST['date'];
It's will store the date as year-month-date format (2020-02-20)
<input type="datetime-local" min="2023-07-22T12:00" max="2017-06-30T16:30" name="date_time_local">
for color
<input type="color" name="color">
$color = $_POST['color'];
It's will store the color code as hexa format
If we print a file array
$file = $_FILES['file'];
pathinfo function
Print the extension
$sujon =pathinfo('sujon.txt');
echo $sujon['extension'];
Easy method to get extension
echo pathinfo('sujon.txt',PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
File checking in server side
if($myfile['type'] != 'image/png'){
echo "you need to upload png";
OOP with PHP
OOP is short form of Object Oriented Programming. Object oriented programming have four principle.
Four Principle of OOP
- Encapsulation
- Inheritance
- Polymorphism
- Abstraction
Why we need OOP
Modularity (Encapsulation, Reusability)
Maintainability (Code Organization, Modifications)
Scalability (Extensibility, Flexible Architecture)
Reusability (Inheritance, Libraries and Frameworks)
Security (Controlled Access)
Polymorphism (Method Overriding)
Improved Collaboration
Real-World Modeling
Debugging and Testing
Four principle you can think like that:
- Encapsulation – making a capsule with hold manything
- Inheritance – extending functionality by copy other class functions
- Polymorphism – one function, one class can do multi works
- Abstraction – less specific
PHP Trait
class BankAccount{
public $accountNumber;
public $accountBalance;
public function setAccountNumber($account_no){
$this->accountNumber = $account_no;
public function getAccountNumber(){
echo "Account No: $this->accountNumber <br>";
public function initiateAccountBalance($account_balance){
$this->accountBalance = $account_balance;
public function getAccountBalance(){
echo "Account Balance: $this->accountBalance <br>";
trait Bkash{
public $bkashAccountNo;
public $bkashBalance;
public function setBkashAccountNo($bkash_no){
$this->bkashAccountNo = $bkash_no;
public function getBkashAccountNo(){
echo "Bkash Account No: $this->bkashAccountNo <br>";
public function setbkashBalance($bkash_bal){
$this->bkashBalance = $bkash_bal;
public function getbkashBalance(){
echo "Bkash Account Balance: $this->bkashBalance <br>";
class Customer extends BankAccount{
use Bkash;
public $name;
public function setName($name){
$this->name = $name;
public function getName(){
echo "Account Name: $this->name <br>";
$sujon = new Customer();
$sujon->setName('Sujon Kumar Dey');
header( "refresh:2;url=index.php" );
Spaceship operator <=>
isset() alternative - Null coalescing operator ??